Καθηγητής Συστημάτων Ελέγχου
Σχολή Μηχανικών Παραγωγής και Διοίκησης, Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης (συνταξιοδοτημένος 1/9/2018)
Moutsopoulou A., Petousis M., Stavroulakis G.E., Pouliezos A. and N. Vidakis N. (2024). "Novelty in Intelligent Controlled Oscillations in Smart Structures", Algorithms, 17, 505. doi.org/10.3390/a17110505.
Moutsopoulou A., Petousis M., Vidakis N., Pouliezos A. and G.E. Stavroulakis (2024). "Advancement in Intelligent Control for Dampening Structural Vibrations", Vibration, 7: 844-862. doi.org/10.3390/vibration7030045.
Moutsopoulou A., Petousis M., Vidakis N., Pouliezos A. and G.E. Stavroulakis (2024). "Piezoelectric Actuators in Smart Engineering Structures Using Robust Control", Materials, 17(10): 2357. doi.org/10.3390/ma17102357.
Moutsopoulou A., Petousis M., Stavroulakis G.E., Pouliezos A. and N. Vidakis (2024). "Intelligent Structure Identification and Robust Control Implementation", Applied Mechanics, 5: 322–339. doi.org/10.3390/applmech5020019.
Moutsopoulou A., Petousis M., Stavroulakis G.E., Pouliezos A. and N. Vidakis (2024). "μ‑Analysis and μ‑Synthesis Control Methods in Smart Structure Disturbance Suppression with Reduced Order Control", Algorithms, 17, 73. doi.org/10.3390/a17020073.
Πουλιέζος Α. (2023). "Αειφόρος διαχείριση υδάτων: το πρόβλημα των διαρροών". Πρακτικά Ημερίδας: Εντοπισμός και έλεγχος διαρροών δικτύων ύδρευσης, 3 Οκτωβρίου 2023, ΔΕΥΑΒΑ, Πλατανιάς, Χανιά.
Moutsopoulou A., Petousis M., Vidakis N., Stavroulakis G.E. and A. Pouliezos (2023). "Applications of the Order Reduction Optimization of the H-Infinity Controller in Smart Structures", Inventions, 8, 150. doi.org/10.3390/inventions8060150.
Moutsopoulou A., Stavroulakis G.E., Petousis M., Pouliezos A. and N. Vidakis (2023). "Optimal Placement and Active Control Methods for Integrating Smart Material in Dynamic Suppression Structures", Vibration, 6: 975–1003. doi.org/10.3390/vibration6040058.
Moutsopoulou A., Stavroulakis G.E., Petousis M., Pouliezos A. and N. Vidakis (2023). "Developments in the Use of Hinfinity Control and m-Analysis for Reducing Vibration in Intelligent Structures", Inventions, 8, 119. doi.org/10.3390/inventions8050119.
Moutsopoulou A., Stavroulakis G.E., Petousis M., Vidakis, N. and A. Pouliezos (2023). "Smart Structures Innovations Using Robust Control Methods", Applied Mechanics, 4: 856–869. doi.org/10.3390/applmech4030044.
Moutsopoulou A., Stavroulakis G.E., Pouliezos A., Petousis M. and N. Vidakis (2023). "Robust Control and Active Vibration Suppression in Dynamics of Smart Systems", Inventions, 8, 47. doi.org/10.3390/inventions8010047.
Moutsopoulou A., Stavroulakis G. and A. Pouliezos (2020). "Robustness Issues in Intelligent Structures Using Nonconvex and Nonsmooth Optimization", International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology, 8(2): 9-16.
Moutsopoulou A. J., Stavroulakis G. E. and A. Pouliezos (2019). Novelty of frequency domain data in smart structures using μ-analysis, European Journal of Engineering Research, 4(4): 131-138.
Πουλιέζος Α. (2018). "Το κόστος του νερού". Πρακτικά Ημερίδας: Αφαλάτωση με ΑΠΕ σε νησιά. Προοπτικές και χρηματοδοτικές ευκαιρίες για την Κρήτη, 8 Οκτωβρίου 2018, Ιεράπετρα.
Πουλιέζος Α. (2017). "Σχεδιασμός ευφυούς συστήματος αειφόρου διαχείρισης υδατικών δικτύων: εφαρμογή στη Κρήτη" Πρακτικά, 2η Ημερίδα έργου Smartwaters, 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2017, Ηράκλειο.
Πουλιέζος Α. (2016). "Σχεδιασμός ευφυούς συστήματος αειφόρου διαχείρισης υδατικών δικτύων: εφαρμογή στη Κρήτη" Πρακτικά, 1η Ημερίδα έργου Smartwaters, 21 Οκτωβρίου 2016, Χανιά.
Moutsopoulou, A., Stavroulakis G., Pouliezos, A. (2016). Uncertainty of models in intelligent systems under stochastic loading . Proceedings, VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 5-10 June 2016, Crete, Greece, p. 8665-8677.
Pouliezos A., Kanellos F., Papaefthimiou S. and A. Katsigiannis (2016). Energy Management System for Water Distribution Systems: Application to Crete. Engineering and Industry: Power Systems, Energy Markets and Renewable Energy Sources in South-Eastern Europe.
Diakaki Ch., Panagiotidou N., Pouliezos A., Kontes G., Stavrakakis G., Belibassakis K., Gerostathis T., Livanos G., Pagonis D.-N, and G. Theotokatos (2015). A decision support system for the development of voyage and maintenance plans for ships. International Journal of Decision Support Systems, 1(1): 42-71.
Moutsopoulou Α., Stavroulakis G. and A. Pouliezos (2014). Active control in smart beams. Communications in Control Science and Engineering, 2(1): 1-8.
Moutsopoulou A., Pouliezos A. and G. E. Stavroulakis (2014). Innovation in active vibration control strategy of intelligent structures. Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 2014, Article ID 430731, doi:10.1155/2014/430731.
Moutsopoulou Α., Stavroulakis G. E. and A. Pouliezos (2013). Systematic formulation of model uncertainties in smart structures using H-infinity and mu-analysis. In: M. Papadrakakis et al., Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, 26: 179-202.
Moutsopoulou A., Pouliezos A. and G. E. Stavroulakis (2013). Nonsmooth and nonconvex optimization for the design and order reduction of robust controllers used in smart structures. In: M. Papadrakakis et al., Computational Methods in Earthquake Engineering, 2: 569-589.
Moutsopoulou Α., Pouliezos Α. and G. E. Stavroulakis (2013). Modeling of Active Vibration Control in Smart Structures. Journal of Civil Engineering and Science, 2(2): 48-61.
Moutsopoulou A., Pouliezos A. and G. E. Stavroulakis (2013). Advances on Robust Control of Civil Engineering Smart Structures. International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, 3(3): 117-126.
Moutsopoulou A., Stavroulakis G. and A. Pouliezos (2012). Simulation and modelling of smart beams with robust control subjected to wind induced vibration. Open Journal of Civil Engineering, 2(3): 106-114.
Moutsopoulou A., Stavroulakis, G. and A. Pouliezos (2011). Uncertainty modeling and robust control for smart structures. In M. Papadrakakis et al. (eds.), Computational Methods in Earthquake Engineering, 21: 331-356.
Kolokotsa D., Pouliezos A., Stavrakakis G. and C. Lazos (2009). Predictive control techniques for energy and indoor environmental quality management in buildings. Building and Environment, 44: 1850-1863.
Κολοκoτσά Δ., Πουλιέζος Α. και Γ. Σταυρακάκης (2006). Ανίχνευση βλάβης αισθητήρα σε συστήματα διαχείρισης ενέργειας κτιρίων. Τεχνική Επιθεώρηση, Μάρτιος 2006.
Kolokotsa D., Saridakis G., Pouliezos A. and G. Stavrakakis (2006). Design and installation of an advanced EIB fuzzy indoor comfort controller using MATLAB. Energy and Buildings, 38: 1084-1092.
Kolokotsa D., Pouliezos A. and G. Stavrakakis (2006). Sensor fault detection in building energy management systems. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B: Applications & Algorithms, Suppl. S, 23: 221-225.
Sergaki E.S., Pouliezos A.D. and G.S. Stavrakakis (2002). Optimal robot speed trajectory by minimization of the actuator motor electromechanical losses. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 33: 187-207.
Goumas S., Zervakis M., Pouliezos A. and G.S. Stavrakakis (2001). Intelligent on-line quality control of washing machines using discrete wavelet analysis features and likelihood classification. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 14: 655-666.
Aggelakis C., Loukis E.N., Pouliezos A. and G.S. Stavrakakis (2001). A neural network-based method for gas turbine blading fault diagnosis. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 21(1): 51-60.
Kavoussanos M. and A. Pouliezos (2000). Visionary automation of sack handling and emptying. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 7(4): 44-49.
Pouliezos A., Papadimitriou D. and G. Tselentis (2000). Fuzzy vs. “classical control” in a FeNi plant. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 8(4): 229-242.
Pouliezos A., Stavrakakis G. and K. Mathioudakis (2000). On-line leak monitoring in fluid pumping systems. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 20(3): 213-220.
Paone N., Scalise L., Stavrakakis G. and A. Pouliezos (1999). Fault detection for quality control of household appliances by non-invasive laser Doppler technique and likelihood classifier. Measurement, 25: 237-247.
Kavoussanos M. and A. Pouliezos (1998). An intelligent robotic system for depalletizing and emptying polyethylane sacks. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 14: 358-362.
Papageorgiou Μ. and A. Pouliezos (1998). Preface to the Special Section on Transportation Systems. Control Engineering Practice, 6(6): 725-726.
Ζοπουνίδης K., Πουλιέζος A. και Δ. Γιαννακόπουλος (1995). Πολυκριτήριο σύστημα υποστήριξης αποφάσεων για την εκτίμηση των επιδόσεων των επιχειρήσεων. Δελτίον Ένωσης Ελληνικών Τραπεζών, Β’ Δεκαετία, 1: 59-67.
Pouliezos A., Stavrakakis G.S. and G. Tselentis (1995). Detection of multivariable system noise degradation. Information and Systems Engineering, 1(3-4): 255-270.
Emiris D. M., Stavrakakis G. S., Pouliezos A., Iordanidis A. C. and C. Pnevmatikatos (1994). A human modeling approach for efficient computer animation. Proceedings, Eurographics '94 Conference, Oslo, January 1994.
Siskos Y., Zopounidis C. and A. Pouliezos (1994). An integrated DSS for financing firms by an industrial development bank in Greece. Decision Support Systems, 12(2): 151-168 .
Frangakis G. and A. Pouliezos (1993). Application of control fault detection ideas to arterial hypertension diagnosis. Working paper Demo 93/3, Insitute of Informatics and Telecommunications, NCSR Democritus, Athens, April 1993, pp. 1-16.
Pouliezos A. (1993). Recursive sliding window estimators. Information and Decision Technologies, 19(1): 19-30.
Zopounidis C., Pouliezos A. and D. Yannakopoulos (1992). Designing a DSS for the assessment of compamy performance and viability. Computer Science in Economics and Management, 5(1): 41-56.
Pouliezos Α. and G. Stavrakakis (1991). A two-stage real time fault monitoring system. In S. Tzafestas (ed.), Engineering Systems with Intelligence: Concepts, Tools and Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 653-660.
Stavrakakis G. and A. Pouliezos (1991). Fatigue life prediction using a new moving window regression method. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 5(4): 327-340.
Pouliezos Α. (1991). SAVE: An interactive computer package for optimum choice of saving schemes. Information and Decision Technologies, 17(2): 77-82.
Stavrakakis G., Lefas C. and A. Pouliezos (1990). Parallel processing computer implementation of a real time DC-motor drive fault detection algorithm. IEE Proceedings, Part B, 137(5): 309-313.
Pouliezos A., Stavrakakis G. and Ch. Lefas (1989). Fault detection using parameter estimation. Quality and Reliability International, 5(4): 283-290.
Pouliezos A. and G. Stavrakakis (1989). Fast fault diagnosis for industrial processes applied to the reliable operation of robotic systems. International Journal of Systems Science, 20(7): 1233-1257.
Skiadas C., Ζopounidis C. and Α. Pouliezos (1989). An interactive forecasting support system. Foundations of Control Engineering, 14(2): 81-99.
Pouliezos A., Τzafestas S. and G. Stavrakakis (1987). Fault detection and location in MRAC robotic systems. In Tzafestas S., M. Singh and G. Schmidt (Eds.), System fault diagnostics and related knowledge-based approaches, vol. 1: Fault Diagnostics and Reliability, D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 203-217.
Pouliezos Α. and G. Stavrakakis (1987). Linear state estimation in the presence of sudden system changes: An expert system. In P. Borne, S.G. Tzafestas (eds.), Applied Modelling and Simulation of Technological Systems, North-Holland, 41-48.
Pouliezos A. (1986). System modelling under additive changes. Foundations of Control Engineering, 11(6): 133-144.
Pouliezos A. (1980). An iterative method for calculating the sample serial correlation coefficient. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, AC-25(4): 834-836.